
An introduction to traditional Sanskrit grammar

This guide is a step-by-step introduction to traditional Sanskrit grammar (vyākaraṇa). We expose the heart of the traditional system and show how it generates valid Sanskrit expressions.

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Last updated on 08 January 2023. Join our mailing list for updates.


  1. About our guide
  2. A summary of Sanskrit
  3. An overview of the Aṣṭādhyāyī


  1. Introduction
  2. The Shiva Sutras
  3. savarṇa sounds
  4. it letters
  5. vidhi rules
  6. ac sandhi
  7. The asiddha section
  8. hal sandhi
  9. ṣatva and ṇatva
  10. Review


  1. Introduction
  2. dhātu
  3. lakāra
  4. tiṅ-pratyāhāra
  5. parasmaipada and ātmanepada
  6. tiṅ-siddhi
  7. vikaraṇa
  8. guṇa
  9. prakriyā
  10. Review


  1. Introduction
  2. prātipadika
  3. sup-pratyāhāra
  4. kāraka
  5. vibhakti
  6. Forms of nau
  7. avyaya
  8. Review


  1. Introduction
  2. kṛtya
  3. ghañ
  4. kta
  5. śatṛ and śānac
  6. Review


  1. Introduction
  2. apatya
  3. atiśāyana
  4. matu̐p
  5. Review


  1. Introduction
  2. avyayībhāva
  3. tatpuruṣa
  4. bahuvrīhi
  5. dvandva
  6. Review