Exercises: Roots like nind and jīv
This is the last exercise page in the guide. It is a comprehensive review of all of the grammar we've studied so far. Much of the lesson vocabulary is featured here too.
Write the expressions below in IAST.
असतो मा सद्गमय
स भगवान् सृष्ट्वेदं जगत् तस्य च स्थितिं चिकीर्षुः
पूर्णमदः पूर्णमिदं पूर्नात् पूर्णमुदच्यते
अक्षराणामकारो ऽस्मि द्वन्द्वः सामासिकस्य च
विश्वासोपगमादभिन्नगतयः शब्दं सहन्ते मृगाः
दृष्ट्वेमं स्वजनं कृष्ण युयुत्सुं समुपस्थितम्
अङ्ग पश्यामि
वागर्थाविव संपृक्तौ वागर्थप्रतिपत्तये
अनेकवक्त्रनयनम् अनेकद्भुतदर्शनम्
तस्माद्वा एतस्मादात्मन आकाशः संभूतः
Match a word in the left column to its derived form on the right.
- Word
- Derived Form
- araṇa
- saundarya
- i
- amṛtatva
- kṛ
- upālabha
- gam
- dharma
- gṛ
- pautra
- candra
- anuśāsanam
- car
- āraṇyaka
- dhṛ
- vaiyākaraṇa
- putra
- sūkta
- pṝ
- candrikā
- bhaj
- saṃmohaḥ
- bhū
- sāgara
- mṛ
- samavetāḥ
- muh
- supta
- yaj
- pūrṇam
- labh
- bobhavīti
- vac
- vyapagataḥ
- śās
- yajña
- sundara
- bhāgavata
- svap
- anusaṃcaran
Translation (Sanskrit → English)
Translate from Sanskrit to English. These exercises are not from Sanskrit texts.
हे अर्जुन, स सिंहो बालान् तुदित्वा त्वाम् आगच्छति
he arjuna, sa siṃho bālān tuditvā tvām āgacchati
श्वेतवृक्षो वन इव स्थित्वा वैरो ऽर्जुनश् चापस्य शरेण सिंहस्य मुखं तुदति
śvetavṛkṣo vana iva sthitvā vairo 'rjunaś cāpasya śareṇa siṃhasya mukhaṃ tudati
sthitvā is the irregular gerund for the verb sthā.
पत्त्राणि फलानि च लब्ध्वा वयम् नगरं संगच्छामः
pattrāṇi phalāni ca labdhvā vayam nagaraṃ saṃgacchāmaḥ
तदावां दृष्ट्वा पुत्राच्चरसि
tadāvāṃ dṛṣṭvā putrāccarasi
पुत्राय नरो ग्रामं न गच्छति । नगरं तु गच्छत्य् अश्वाय
putrāya naro grāmaṃ na gacchati । nagaraṃ tu gacchaty aśvāya
ताञ् जित्वा नरायाश्वाँल् लभे
tāñ jitvā narāyāśvām̐l labhe
बत अर्जुनो जीवतीति मत्वा म्रियते दुर्योधनो योधने
bata arjuno jīvatīti matvā mriyate duryodhano yodhane
तस्य जायते क्रोधः स्मृत्वा पुत्रस्य मरणम्
tasya jāyate krodhaḥ smṛtvā putrasya maraṇam
हे संजय सुन्दरं तावकेन गजेन गच्छसि
he saṃjaya sundaraṃ tāvakena gajena gacchasi
स गजोत्तम एवेति रथे बालो वदति
sa gajottama eveti rathe bālo vadati
Translation (English → Sanskrit)
Translate from English to Sanskrit. Follow the normal word order. Omit pronouns when their meaning is clear from context. Use tatpurusha compounds where they make sense.
The hero dies between the trees. (i.e. "in the middle of the two trees.")
O best of the best of men, I see the chariots of the army.
From ignorance Duryodhana derides Krishna himself.
In the blissful city is born our (dual) son.
(i.e. "full of bliss." Use the -maya suffix.)
The men of the village adore him.
And having awakened, he is not confused.
Like a lion in the forest he walks in the city.
His face is white like the sky.
(i.e. "like the white of the sky.")
Without cause, he has bliss.
(Use nimitta to form the adverb "without cause.")
But even he dies in battle.
They angrily grieve the death of their beloved hero.
("angrily" = "with anger," used as an adverb)
Then, having found bows, they assemble.
asato mā sadgamaya
sa bhagavān sṛṣṭvedaṃ jagat tasya ca sthitiṃ cikīrṣuḥ
pūrṇamadaḥ pūrṇamidaṃ pūrnāt pūrṇamudacyate
akṣarāṇāmakāro 'smi dvandvaḥ sāmāsikasya ca
viśvāsopagamādabhinnagatayaḥ śabdaṃ sahante mṛgāḥ
dṛṣṭvemaṃ svajanaṃ kṛṣṇa yuyutsuṃ samupasthitam
aṅga paśyāmi
vāgarthāviva saṃpṛktau vāgarthapratipattaye
anekavaktranayanam anekadbhutadarśanam
tasmādvā etasmādātmana ākāśaḥ saṃbhūtaḥ
- Word
- Derived Form
- araṇa
- āraṇyaka
- i
- amṛtatva
- kṛ
- vaiyākaraṇa
- gam
- vyapagataḥ
- gṛ
- sāgara
- candra
- candrikā
- car
- anusaṃcaran
- dhṛ
- dharma
- putra
- pautra
- pṝ
- pūrṇam
- bhaj
- bhāgavata
- bhū
- bobhavīti
- mṛ
- samavetāḥ
- muh
- saṃmohaḥ
- yaj
- yajña
- labh
- upālabha
- vac
- sūkta
- śās
- anuśāsanam
- sundara
- saundarya
- svap
- supta
Translation (Sanskrit → English)
Hey Arjuna, that lion is coming to you after striking the boys.
Standing (up) like a white tree in the forest, Arjuna strikes the lion's mouth with his bow's arrow.
Then, having seen the two of us, you walk from the master.
Having obtained leaves and fruits, we go together to the city.
The man does not go to the village for his son, but he goes to the city for his horse.
Having conquered them, I obtain horses for the man.
"Alas, Arjuna lives" — so thinking, Duryodhana dies in battle.
He becomes angry (literally "Of him is born anger") after remembering the death of his son.
Hey Sanjaya, you go beautifully with your own elephant (or "that elephant of yours").
"That's the best of elephants indeed," the boy says in the chariot.
Translation (English → Sanskrit)
वीरो वृक्षयोर् मध्ये म्रियते
vīro vṛkṣayor madhye mriyate
हे पुरुषोत्तम (नरोत्तम), पश्याम्य् अनीकस्य रथान्
he puruṣottama (narottama), paśyāmy anīkasya rathān
संमोहाद् दुर्योधनः कृष्णम् एव निन्दति
saṃmohād duryodhanaḥ kṛṣṇam eva nindati
आनन्दमयनगरे जायत आवयोः पुत्रः
ānandamayanagare jāyata āvayoḥ putraḥ
ग्रामाणां नरास् तं भजन्ति
grāmāṇāṃ narās taṃ bhajanti
बुद्ध्वा च न मुह्यति
buddhvā ca na muhyati
सिंहो वन इव नगरे चरति
siṃho vana iva nagare carati
तस्य मुखं (वदनम्, वक्त्रम्) गगनश्वेत इव
tasya mukhaṃ (vadanam, vaktram) gaganaśveta iva
अनिमित्तं तस्यानन्दः
animittaṃ tasyānandaḥ
स त्व् एव योधने म्रियते
sa tv eva yodhane mriyate
सक्रोधं शोचन्ति प्रियवीर्यस्य मरणम्
sakrodhaṃ śocanti priyavīryasya maraṇam
तदा चापानि लब्ध्वा संगच्छन्ति
tadā cāpāni labdhvā saṃgacchanti