Exercises: Gerunds
First, here are two new verb prefixes for you. These prefixes are most often used with nouns and adjectives.
Good and Bad
- सुsu
- everything good (virtuous, beautiful, easy, well, …) [eu-phemism, eu-phoria]
- दुस्dus
- everything bad (evil, inferior, difficult, …) [dys-entery, dys-lexia]
- युध्yudh
- युध्यति yudhyati
- fight, wage war
- योधनyodhana
- n
- act of fighting, war
- दुर्योधनduryodhana
- m
- difficult in battle (i.e. difficult to conquer); Duryodhana
- Many take the name to mean "poor in battle," but I think that's unlikely. What king would give his son such an inappropriate name? And what son would accept it?
- difficult in battle (i.e. difficult to conquer); Duryodhana
- सुयोधनsuyodhana
- m
- excellent in battle; a kinder name for Duryodhana
- योधन
Roots from other classes
The words formed from the verbs below — especially kṛ and i — are common in many contexts, and for that reason it's difficult to give a single definition for each one. The definitions below are the most common.
- कृkṛ
- ???
- do, make, cause
- करkara
- m
- doer, maker, causer; a hand
- कारkāra
- m
- doer, maker; a term used to mark letters
Just as the word varga is used to mark a class of consonants — pavarga, for instance, refers to pa, pha, ba, bha, and ma — the word kāra refers to a single letter. So, kakāra refers to just the consonant sound k. The grammarian Panini refers to the different sorts of verbs with terms that start with l, and for that reason the set of verb types is often called lakāra.
- ओंकारoṃkāra
- m
- The sound of om (ॐ)
- doer, maker; a term used to mark letters
- करणkaraṇa
- n
- doing, making, causing; mind, heart, body
- वीvī
- ???
- go apart, disappear, die
- व्ययvyaya
- n
- death, disappearance; transient
- अव्ययavyaya
- mfn
- undying, constant
- अव्ययavyaya
- n
- the Sanskrit term for uninflected words
- समयsamaya
- m
- "going together"; meeting, understanding, treaty, contract
- अयनayana
- n
- a going, an advancing, a proceeding; journey
- रामायणrāmāyaṇa
- n
- Rama's journey; the Ramayana
- Compounds follow the rules of external sandhi, but the internal sandhi rule "n → ṇ" also applies for compounds. For that reason, retroflexion occurs in the word here.
- Rama's journey; the Ramayana
- योजनyojana
- n
- yoking, harnessing
- योजनyojana
- m
- a unit of distance
- According to Monier-Williams, this meaning is related to "yoking" because it is "a distance traversed in one harnessing or without unyoking."
- a unit of distance
- योगyoga
- m
- restraint, method, exertion, union; yoga
- यौगिकyaugika
- mfn
- relating to yoga, "yogic"
Translate from English to Sanskrit. Use the provided roots in your translation, and use tatpurusha compounds where they make sense. Each translation will have one gerund and one regular verb. Roots that end in consonants usually use itvā, unless the root follows one of the rules we discussed in the lesson.
- Having done (kṛ) war, Duroyadhana dies (vi-gam).
- Arjuna, after becoming (bhū) a man, stays (vṛt) in the city.
- The elephants come together (sam-i) then fight (yudh).
- The master, having created (kṛ) the Ramayana in the forest, is blissful (nand).
- Having obtained (labh) the white horses with Krishna, we do not die (mṛ) in battle.
- The heroes awaken (budh) then speak (bhāṣ) for the boy.
- Having thus grieved (śuc), the son of Arjuna walks (car) to the black trees.
- O heroes, our black elephant is coming (ā-gam) after filling (pṝ) his trunk with water.
योधनं कृत्वा दुर्योधनो विगच्छति
yodhanaṃ kṛtvā duryodhano vigacchati
अर्जुनो नरो भूत्वा नगरं वर्तते
arjuno naro bhūtvā nagaraṃ vartate
गजा समित्य युध्यन्ति
gajā samitya yudhyanti
आचार्यो वने रामायणं कृत्वा नन्दति
ācāryo vane rāmāyaṇaṃ kṛtvā nandati
Note that the tatpurusha would not make sense here, for two reasons. First, the word vana is in case 7 (the "in" case), and we have only studied case 1 and case 6 tatpurusha compounds. Second, the sentence would mean the same thing as "Having completed the forest Ramayana," but there is no such thing as a "forest Ramayana." If you are still having trouble with this, try comparing "He killed the king in the restaurant" to "He killed the restaurant king."
कृष्णेन श्वेताश्वान् लब्ध्वा न योधने म्रियामहे
kṛṣṇena śvetāśvān labdhvā na yodhane mriyāmahe
वीरा बुद्ध्वा बालाय भाषन्ते
vīrā buddhvā bālāya bhāṣante
इति शुचित्वार्जुनपुत्रः कृष्णवृक्षाञ् चरति
iti śucitvārjunaputraḥ kṛṣṇavṛkṣāñ carati
वीरा अस्माकं कृष्णगजः करं जलेन पूर्त्वागच्छति
vīrā asmākaṃ kṛṣṇagajaḥ karaṃ jalena pūrtvāgacchati