Exercises: The dvandva
- लभ्labh
- लभते labhate
- obtain [di-lemma]
- लाभlābha
- m
- gaining; gains, profit
- लाभ
Translate from English to Sanskrit. As you do so, translate nouns connected by "and" with a compound. The order of the elements in the compound should match the order of the nouns in the sentence.
The man, the son, and the grandson will to the field.
I will not see the hero, the warrior, and the thief.
The master walks to the forests and rivers.
The elephant and rabbit have been seen (PPP) by means of the sun and the moon.
The wolves and the lion strike the man and the horses.
The wolf and the lions strike the two men and the horses.
We conquer the villages and forests and cities.
The two of us will conquer the forests and cities and villages.
Translate from Sanskrit to English.
सुखदुःखे समे कृत्वा लाभालाभौ जयाजयौ ।
… न पापमवाप्स्यसि ॥sukhaduḥkhe same kṛtvā lābhālābhau jayājayau ।
… na pāpamavāpsyasi ॥Note the use of the a prefix here. It is commonly used like this to show opposites.
नरपुत्रपौत्राः क्षेत्रं गमिष्यन्ति
(अहं) वीरक्षत्रियचोरान् न द्रक्ष्यामि
आचार्यो वननदीश् चरति
गजशशौ सूर्यचन्द्राभ्यां दृष्टौ
वृकसिंहा नराश्वांस् तुदन्ति
वृकसिंहा नराश्वांस् तुदन्ति
(वयं) ग्रामवननगराणि जयामः
(आवां) वननगरग्रामाञ् जेष्यावः
After rendering pleasure and pain the same — and gain and loss, and victory and defeat — … you will not incur evil.
Bhagavad Gita 2.38