Big Numbers
The numbers here are quite rare. Only sahasra, meaning "one thousand," is common.
- सहस्र
- num
- one thousand (1,000)
- साहस्र
- mf(ī)n
- by a thousand, one thousand fold; numerous, infinite
- अयुत
- num
- ten thousand (10,000)
- लक्ष
- num
- hundred thousand (100,000)
- प्रयुत
- num
- million (1,000,000)
- कोटि
- num
- ten million (10,000,000)
- अर्बुद
- num
- hundred million (100,000,000)
- महार्बुद
- num
- billion (1,000,000,000)
- खर्व
- num
- ten billion (10,000,000,000)
- निखर्व
- num
- hundred billion (100,000,000,000)
Of the words here, lakṣa and koṭi have survived to the present day. In Hindi and English, these words have become lakh and crore. But in Indian langauges other than Hindi, they've hardly changed.